Help Ukraine

You want to help Ukrainians? Then you will find here some links to websites that allow you to do so.

All links provided are from verified accounts.

“Warm heart” initiative
Humanitarian aid delivered directly to Ukraine.
You can also join the initiative as a coordinator and organize a collection point in your city (details at 410793883071).
All types of goods are collected at Statthalterstrasse 101, 3018 Bern (Monday 13:30-17:30; Tuesday-Friday 10:00-12:00 and 13:30-17:30).

Hand in warm clothes at the Info-Point (10:00-15:00, Monday-Saturday)
Address: Generationenhaus, Bahnhofplatz 2, 3011 Bern
More information about Bern with Ukraine and Verein Ukraine-Hilfe Bern

For Ukrainians in Bern
Pick-up of clothes and other items in Butik with Card of Butik (max 20 items per person in 1 month)

Bring light for Ukraine
Collection of of all kinds of independent energy sources (e.g. accumulators, solar and gas lamps, etc)
instagram: fischermaettelistrasse