Information for prospective students

Here, prospective students from Ukraine can find relevant information if they are considering to study at the University of Bern.

Bachelor students

Prospective students that are applying for BSc/BA

Entry requirements for University will not be changed (i.e. impossible without MATURA, but if one of other documents are missing it may be OK upon special agreement):

  •  Upper secondary school-leaving certificate (“Svidotstvo pro zdobuttia povnoi zagalnoi serednoi osvity” = MATURA)
  •  2 years of university-level studies recognised by the respective university
  •  certificate of university admission in the desired academic subject provided by a recognised Ukrainian university OR complementary Examination ECUS
  •  C1 level in German is obligatory
  •  Standard fees apply

Students without MATURA might address high schools (may be asked to spend additional year there). Highly talented individuals would be able to get into Gymnasium under condition of good German level.


BSc/BA students with Matura who were already enrolled in UA University
The University of Bern offers you an opportunity to continue your studies if your course is taught at the University of Bern and if you have the requisite language skills. Find more information about that offer here.

Either standard admission procedure (see above)

Regular BSc/BA students might apply for a job of “helper student/hilfassistenz” (those are more likely experienced students and should be employed after signing an official contract)


You can apply as an Exchange student:

  • Online form
  • Copy of passport/ID
  • Proof of enrollment at your home university in Ukraine
  • Transcript of Records (if available)
  • Language confirmation/certificate for the language of instruction (at least B2 in German and/or English) (if available)
  • Learning Agreement
  • No fees

If you are unable to provide these documents or if you have any questions regarding the application please contact

Master students

Prospective MSc/MA students and MSc/MA students who were enrolled in UA University

The University of Bern offers you an opportunity to continue your studies if your course is taught at the University of Bern and if you have the requisite language skills. Find more information about that offer here.

Whether standard admission procedure (fees apply)

Regular MSc/MA students might apply for a job of “helper student/hilfassistenz” (should be employed after signing an official contract)


Possibility as an Exchange student:

  • Online form
  • Copy of passport/ID
  • Proof of enrollment at your home university in Ukraine
  • Transcript of Records (if available)
  • Language confirmation/certificate for the language of instruction (at least B2 in German and/or English) (if available)
  • Learning Agreement (does not need to be signed)
  • No fees

If you are unable to provide these documents or if you have any questions regarding the application please contact